Real-time, 24/7 knowledge of your shipment's location
Real-time, 24/7 knowledge of your shipment's location
Reduce anxiety and eliminate having to "guess" when your carrier will arrive for pick-up/delivery
Provide better service and information to your customer
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Carriers openly compete for your shipments
Carriers openly compete for your shipments
Provides a dynamic, market-driven quote, resulting in lower overall transportation cost
Monitored daily to ensure your shipments are managed by safe, compliant and fully insured carriers
Endorsement verification on every load
Diversifies your carrier network on a granular level insuring coverage on all your full truckload needs
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Direct communication/relationship with your carrier
Direct communication/relationship with your carrier
Long-term better service
Reduction in overall costs
Long-term stable, predictable rates
Evolution to a partnership with your carriers (versus a traditional buyer/supplier one) - eliminating view of transportation service as a commodity
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Real-time reporting
Real-time reporting
Allows you to apprase how well Go-By-Truck is facilitatin you achieving your goals for your transportation process
Provides visibility to opportunities to lower costs and drive efficiencies
Examples of reporting topics include:
Costs: freight spend by lane, by carrier, by unit, accessorial charges, etc.
Carrier Service: on-time performance by carrier, by lane, etc.
Loading/Unloading Time: by shipper location and by delivery location
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Streamlining of back-office processing
Streamlining of back-office processing
Eliminate the need to research the validity of "after the fact" accessorial invoices
Avoid paying for unnecessary/invalid charges
Eliminate carrier payment delays - enhancing preferred customer status
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Rapid, accurate and closed-loop financial transactions
Rapid, accurate and closed-loop financial transactions
Secured via escrowed funds
Results in increased competition/preffered customer status
Removes hidden costs
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Direct Relationship with Shippers
Direct Relationship with Shippers
GBT's technology empowers carriers to partner with shippers - eliminating the broker/"middle man"
Creates an environment that produces a community of trust, openness and mutual loyalty between shippers and carriers
Relationships built via GBT's process cultivates solutions to issues where shippers and carriers work together as partners and result in long-term goodwill
Improves the speed and clarity of communication and associated decision making
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Compete directly with large carriers
Compete directly with large carriers
Independent carriers united via GBT's technology provides leverage to compete with large carriers for shipments that would not routinely be directly available
GBT creates a community where independent carriers engage with one another to enact positive change in the transportation market
All carriers, regardless of truck count, have an equal opportunity to compete for shipments
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Familiarity with Shippers
Familiarity with Shippers
Carriers working with GBT's technology have access to reliable, repetitive, consistent lanes from GBT's community of shippers
Working with the same community of shippers allows carriers to gain familiarity with any requirements of shippers, their employees and their customers - eliminating any issues at loading/unloading
Endorsement verification (tanker, haz mat, etc.) is accurately provided on a load-by-load basis during the quoting process - insuring a carrier has the need information to manage the shipment
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No fee, quick pay
No fee, quick pay
Standard payment process is 2-4 business days upon approval of shipper via ACH, eliminating factoring and associated charges
Accessorial charges are requested at the time of load completion directly to the shipper - unsuring quick reimbursement of agreed to charges
GBT's technology enables uploading of documents (PODs, etc.) directly to the shippers - streamlining the payment process
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GBT Tech Managed Transportation
Carrier Security
GBT Banking Network
On-Time Performance Rewards
Consulting Solutions
Please choose an option:
Shipper Demo
Carrier Demo
Legal Documentation
Go By Truck Operating Authority
Go By Truck Certificate Of Insurance